As was previously said, this story was bravely written.

Martha smiled and wiped her eyes again. “For Lois? No, not at all. We all have to go sometime, and being able to look forward to seeing our loved ones again is comforting.” She leaned closer. “Jonathan and I may both be closer to that day than anyone would like to think.”

Seriously? Clark needs his parents right now.

Jim’s gaze ran over the sides and back of the room. There were a couple of suspicious characters sitting near the back corner, faces he recognized even though he couldn’t put names to them, and he thought about signaling to someone to watch them. But then he saw a hard-faced young main in an expensive suit rise from his seat beside Metropolis Police Chief William Henderson and glide to the back, where he whispered to two uniformed officers. The unis nodded, then eased along the wall until they bracketed the end of the pew where the two suspicious characters sat. Then they folded their hands in front of them and nodded at the men. The men in the pew returned the nods and shifted uncomfortably.

Nicely done. Message was most definitely received.

Henderson was no Jim Gordon, but he was very good at his job.

Beg to differ. Henderson is as good in his city as Gordon is in Gotham. They both have to deal with costumed types. Not an occupation for the faint at heart.

Much of the conversation between Bruce and Diana was lost on me because I don't read the comics. Is Diana thinking of Clark as more than a colleague/friend now that his wife is gone? That would be in really poor taste.

He took a moment to look over the packed auditorium. So many people were there to say goodbye to Lois, so many were there to support Clark and the kids, so many were there to celebrate her life and her achievements, and a very few were there to make sure she was actually gone.

Loved Perry's comments, chock full of wit, wisdom and hard sense garnered over decades of a life well spent. It not have been easy for him. But for his last public appearance he went out in style.

That last sentence was hilarious!

The next three parts should wrap up the tale.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.