Let me remind everyone that the WHAM warning is optional for the author. I said that the story would include a "soft WHAM" which was set up throughout the story (I don't think there's such a thing as a "gentle WHAM"). I am not going to tell the readers the plot of any story. That's not happening.

If any of you think I "screwed up" by not hanging up a banner surrounded by neon lights, that is your privilege. I disagree. If that means I'm not getting a Kerth nom for this tale, that's fine. This is the story that wanted to be told.

In the interest of full disclosure - as late as some might think it is - there is no Lois resurrection coming. I will, however, promise that her influence does not fade. She will be heard from again and again.

I'll have the next chapter up up by tomorrow evening.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing