Originally Posted by groobie
Woo hoo! clap Sensual and erotic, romantic and passionate...loved it! thumbsup
Wow, thanks.
Originally Posted by KatherineKent
Did I end this short series in the right place?
Well, that would be on the other side of the boards. wink devil But you can end it where you feel comfortable. My mind will fill in the blanks. grin
I'm sure your mind WILL fill in the blanks. grin

Originally Posted by Mike M
Just got it in under your deadline I see dance.
You make it sound like I nearly missed! I always meant to post it today! LOL.

I would like to think the series ended in the right place. I almost always like the stories that leave something left to the imagination at the end as this one does.
I pretty much left it to the readers imagination for each of the four parts to this series, didn't I?

As usual your characterizations are spot on.
Thanks. Nice to know.

Clark wanting to give her the ring before intimacy, Lois having a one-track mind to get him in bed. Lois winning of course!
Of course!

I also liked the way you filled in the end of the last story with mental flashbacks in the beginning of this one. The previous story left a lot of unanswered questions and you answered most of them here.
Didn't want to go into to much explanation, but I knew there would be just a couple of things people would demand to know...

The only criticism I could put forth is that I wanted Clark to tell Lois that he loved her. She told him a couple of times(once in mental flashback and once real time) but he chose to demonstrate instead of telling her. As unsure as she is of relationships it might have been better for him to tell her and then demonstrate...
I hadn't actually noticed that he never said it in the fic. I never meant to imply that he hadn’t told her at all. He’s probably told her hundreds of times just in the week since Christmas, but it just never got mentioned in the fic. I focussed more on the fact the Clark ‘showed’ her, and he’s ALWAYS been showing her, over the few years they’d known each other. If she’d just looked, she would have seen it in his actions day after day, even when they were just friends.

The only real drawback to this story though is that it is the last one frown.

Yeah, sorry. No more. Really. This time it is the end!

Originally Posted by KenJ

I have encouraged KK to address that issue in the final version. I agree, he should have said those three little words.
I AM going to look at slipping a couple of things into the archive version.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."