Since I just happened to watch The Neutral Zone (Star Trek TNG Season 1 Finale)...

The crew of the Enterprise finds some 20th centuries popsicles, thaws them up and then tells them about the 24th century. Among the things that come up is that there's no more TV for entertainment starting with the mid 21st century and no more aggressive moneymaking and all you really do is try to better yourself. They made it sound awfully boring.

Now...where have we had a future with jumpsuits and outragous carpetlike clothing, that was also considered quite boring by some of it's inhabitants whistle

I know, I know, there's already the odd Star Trek crossover but I don't remember one that actually placed Tempus into the mid 24th century, after the Klingon conflicts, and before the Borg and the Dominion shook things up quite a bit and before the Ferengi started to make trading interesting again evil

Anyhow, since I happened on this thread, yes, Lois getting dumped there by Tempus might be fun :p Only, Lt. Robinson immediately hooked up with the Okona fellow. Hmm...maybe he's a new and improved version of Claude? They did style him as a rogue who slept in a different bed each night.

wave Michael

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