Yah--another KK story clap hyper

...but from the looks of things--oh no! sad.

I totally agree with Virginia about Clark's wish--a daughter originally b/c he knows how much Lois is wanting one. And then--scary stuff--then a switch of a wish for Clark to having his wife/child be ok.

Really curious where you will take us with this story. And for Lois and Clark--I guess, barring Clark flying her back himself to Metropolis--they are all the way down in Florida while this is happening.

Eagerly wanting to check in on Lois! Post soon grovel help thud. We've gotta find out what's happening to her/Baby Kent!

Thanks, KK smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~