I agree with Lynn...I'm really loving this story--and even though I'll probably drop whatever I'm doing the moment I see you've posted (like I've done these last couple of parts blush ) and be thrilled to read the ending, I really hate to see it come to a close. This story has such a lovely, WAFFy, happy feel to it--it's just been so great reading along...

Finally realizing that the beast wasn’t going to hurt her, Lois began to giggle at the absurdity of the situation, especially as she sensed Clark’s growing frustration. “I don’t think she’s going to surrender easily,” she managed to get out. “Do you think she wants to make snow angels with us?”

Moments like this...hillarious. So fun. And Lois' reaction--and her comment about the goat making snow angels with them--I was rotflol right along with her.

And Clark's annoyance at the situation--it added a lot, made everything even funnier wink :

Clark snorted. “Only if we added horns and a pitchfork.” He eyed the animal as it tentatively ventured closer, and he tensed, ready to lunge

How great was this? I really enjoyed how focused on getting rid of Kimberly Clark was here...

“No,” Lois responded, barely able to get out the words. “Because until today, I thought the worst thing a guy could do was call his date by another woman’s name. But you—you—” She struggled to catch her breath, laughter-induced tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. “You just called me by your goat’s name!!”

And best of all, this! I hated Kimberly for her horrible timing, but really, she added some great comic relief notworthy

“Better,” she agreed, the smile clear in her voice as she tightened her arms around his waist. The shiver that suddenly overtook her body, however, told a different story.

Got to love a great make up hug--and again, more fun back-n-forths between them about being cold.

As his favorite distraction left the kitchen...

And even this little bit I totally loved. The little detail--his 'favorite distraction'. GREAT! clap

He smiled reassuringly as he took them from her. “Always.” He couldn’t resist cupping her cheek with his free hand, stroking his thumb lightly across her soft skin. “Stay in here where it’s warm. I’ll be back soon.”

“Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” And with a last, longing look, he followed his father out into the snow, slipping on his jacket as he went

I love how Clark totally went for it here...touching her lovingly the way he did. Considering all the times a kiss hasn't worked out, glad he got this in wink. His 'last, longing look' was wonderful WAFF, also. Sighing....

Clark blushed a little as he accompanied his father back to the house. He’d done a quick flyover the area when he’d been surveying the storm damage, grateful that their home seemed to be the only one in town affected by the power outage. It made it that much easier to justify retiring Superman for the evening. As much as he normally enjoyed helping out, tonight, all he wanted was to get back to Lois. Whether or not there would be cuddling … well, he could only hope.

Hoping...Hoping...Hoping. Please? grovel Pleast give us cuddling--oh, and a kiss grovel...

Can't wait for Tuesday!

Last edited by LMA; 12/14/14 08:47 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~