Thank you, all, for your encouragement concerning these little pieces! I really do enjoy writing them, though they're a bit scary because I well know how we all get different things out of watching the same scene! smile

This one was difficult, Morgana -- I'd never really thought of how Lois must compare this situation to the one she went through until very recently, and then when it hit me, I knew I wanted to write a little something on it. I'm glad it was just this short piece, though, because it was very hard to get it all down coherently!

LOL! Love what you said about Lois being right so often she can't see when she's wrong, Virginia! It's so true! I've always loved that she was jealous of and proprietary toward Clark even so early on -- she might not have admitted it to herself, but she WAS drawn to him right away.

Thank you, groobie! So nice to see a comment from you over here! smile

So glad you enjoyed, LWhite! Brevity is NOT my strength, so these stretch me in very new ways, and I'm never quite sure if they make sense until I hear from you guys!