Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!
Originally Posted by Morgana
Jonathan was more pragmatic, “The world needs you now. More than it ever has, I expect.”

Martha looked at Jonathan and said, “He already tried once and look what happened.”

Lois looked up into his face and reaching up brushed his little forelock aside and added, “I don’t want to take a chance on him being hurt again.”

Again, Jonathan was the pragmatic one, “What choice is there, but to try again? The alternative is unthinkable.”

Simple straight forward wisdom. Ya gotta love Jonathan.

Jonathan is the solid rock foundation of the family.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Jimmy was astonished and blurted out, “Partner? Who's gonna want to partner with me?”

With a smile, Perry put his arm across Jimmy’s shoulders and said, “Let’s step into my office. Maybe we can work something out. It’s been a while since I’ve had part of a byline.”

Having Jimmy and Perry work on the story together would have made Clete Johnson proud. Passing of the torch ...

I thought that this would be a positive change. In the episode, Perry teamed Jimmy with Lois.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Perry looked down, “Alice was visiting the boys when it all happened. She can't get a flight out of Des Moines.”

Lois reached out a comforting hand, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Making the best of it, Perry said, “She knows how I feel about her and what she's meant to me. That's the important thing.”

That was a incredible scene. Lane Smith was the perfect person to play Perry White.

I totally agree. Lane Smith was the quintessential Perry White.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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