I can think of three illnesses that might affect (effect?) both New Kryptonians and Clark & Lois's descendants: a) something to do with Kryptonite, b) that viral "bug" from HiWtHi, and c) something like that Kryptonite rain thing from DLW if it got into the food chain and Kryptonized Earth's food (kind of what they did to get rid of the alien invaders in "V"). It's also possible that this "Smith" guy inadvertently brought a Kryptonian virus with him to Earth from New Krypton (or his supervisors - Nor supporters - infected the girl before he left on his mission. Or Smith could just be lying. This doesn't sound like the type of assignment where one would bring one's family). That virus Mindy found on Superman's spaceship harmed only Kryptonians, so it's possible that there are more viruses out in the universe like that. Maybe it didn't metabolize until she was exposed to the yellow sun.

Yes, the whole thing with the coffee machine in the cafeteria was funny. How completely frustrating for Lois. I sympathize. It reminded me of that scene at the beginning of S2's Madame Ex when the staffer explained the computer fax instructions were sent via email and the email instructions were sent via computer fax. wallbash Now, there's corporate logic for you.

I wonder about the guy who gave Lois directions, who kept squinting at her. Did he recognize her? But to recognize her, wouldn't he have to be one of the family who knew about her time traveling? But if he were family, why was he squinting? Was there something wrong with his eyes?

Once again, Queen, you've given us more questions than answers. Intriguing stuff here. I'm curious how this is all linked together, how Lois will supply the answer to Bobby's questions, and how she'll end up saving the day. (Hospital Bobby, that is.)

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.