Babylon 5 is my favorite show of all time, hands down (sorry, fellow FOLCs!). The characters, the story arc, how well planned out it all was even with the inevitable changes... I adore just about everything about that show.

That being said, the idea of a reboot honestly worries me. If it were a new story with brand new characters, or a story filling in a gap or extending something from the already-existing canon, then I would be over the moon with excitement (and I wouldn't need Superman to get me there!). But the thought of re-casting any of the characters I know so well... the thought of anyone but Bruce Boxleitner playing Sheridan, or anyone but Claudia Christian as Ivanova... I honestly can't see it.

Now, I have faith in JMS, and as we all know, Faith Manages - so if anyone can pull it off, he can, and I'll definitely be right there to see it either way!


"Being with you is stronger than me alone."