Seems as though Lois has been doing a lot of traveling! First she went to Mackinac Island.

Then (I'm not clear about this) did she go to Smallville to check out stuff about Clark Kent in the Smallville Library? Or did she find info in the Mackinac Island library?

Now, if she's interviewing a professor at the University of Michigan, she must have gone down to Ann Arbor - a five hour drive from Mackinac Island. (Of course, maybe she took a commuter flight.)

Leaving the library, she sighed. She resigned herself to another night of eating alone. At least at home she was able to eat a diet frozen dinner in privacy. Her only choice here was to eat alone at a restaurant.

How sad.

At least there weren’t any alien abduction posters.

“These portals open and close randomly in the atmosphere, dumping tons of energetic particles. They cause geomagnetic storms and cause the aurora borealis to light up. The problem is that they are invisible and unstable.”

I wonder if someone with enhanced vision could see these portals? Hmm?

Once the Earth had moved past the last point of connection, there would be no way to escape. You’d be trapped forever. There was no way to even know if a human could survive traveling through that kind of wormhole intact.

But what if you weren't human?

Post more soon!