LOVE this story, Corrina. But, I'm a big fan of your work, so I figured I would wink.

Great concept, wonderful characterization (you are always so spot-on with the characters), and amazing places to go with Part 2...

Your dialog was perfect, and I loved the influx of poems created by everyone. As was mentioned before, you really captured everyone really well with their all 'fit' what you'd think they would write like. Especially Clark's poem about friendship:

A friend is a blessing

Someone there in good times and bad

Someone who sees without judging

And shares the moments both happy and sad

A friend is a gift of memories

To catalogue, keep and store

But oh, how friendship batters the heart

That yearns for so much more

I mean, really...could that capture Clark's thoughts any better at this time-frame in the series? Friendship, wanting more. Craving a relationship with Lois. Loved it, and also how you've written Clark in this story. The way that he falls for Lois--so fully, so completely--really is what captured my heart when I first watched the show so so many years ago. It's easy to picture everything unfolding in this story b/c you have an incredible ability to really get inside the character's heads--Clark, Lois, everyone. It really feels like L&C clap.

Great concept of a way for the Planet to help...they'd have the resources, they'd have the talent. I can 'see' the potential of this type of project helping and raising some funding. And...I can see Lois fighting it initially--just like how the story started out.

Can't wait to read the rest...

Last edited by LMA; 08/12/14 07:04 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~