I just took the quiz--thanks for the link, Annie smile. Yep, definitely an introvert (which I had already assumed, but curious to see how I'd think about each question). Easily 3/4 were a 'true'--maybe more.

I tend to be an introvert until I am comfortable--with people that I see fairly constantly. Once I know someone, once I'm comfortable with them, I'm pretty talkative. But I have to get 'there'. If I don't reach that comfort level, then it's very much not all 'me' in front of them.

The strange thing is though...I do pretty well with people I don't know at all. I can talk and talk to the lady checking me out at the grocery store or the big box store. I can be shopping and talk to whoever just here and there. No issues. I think it might have to do with expectations...these type of people don't know me, probably won't see me again, so I'm relaxed in knowing that it just is what it is: a quick, random conversation. No pressure.

I think the pressure is with the people that I'll see constantly...neighbors, co-workers, people at our children's schools. It's more day to day, I think through interactions more, I get self-contious. Those are the type of interactions that I need to get past, need to grow from, and then I can turn those people into ones that I'm myself with...It just takes me a little while to get there.

So strange.

But, like I stated, once I'm fully myself with someone--lots of talking. My husband, my sister, my parents, my close friends...they'd all say that I never stop talking.

It's definitely not a happy medium smile...

And I think that that is why I really love the characters of Lois and Clark so much. So relatable. Lois can be 'on' in her career...she plays the part and is on top of her game. But, she has insecurities. She doesn't fully trust others to be herself. It takes her time to open up. And Clark...he hasn't been able to be himself with others. He has only ever been truly 'him' with his parents. That's why Lois is everything to him. With her he (eventually) can fully be who he is, and his struggle to get there--to that place for himself--is so easy to identify with.

Really love the characters smile.


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~