Thanks for the comments!

I’d forgotten Batman is mentioned directly in canon. Twice that I could find: once in “The People vs. Lois Lane,” and also in “The Source.” So, it’s a good thing I had Batman as real. And I agree about Batman and Utopia.

The idea of Bruce Wayne as mayor I got from Michael Bloomberg, who was also mayor (of NYC), also a billionaire, and also an independent.

Being Batman is like being a professional athlete, and as Clark observes, that’s a game for the young (or the superhuman). But I’m pretty sure Bruce would want to continue to do something to make Gotham a better place, even if he couldn’t be Batman any more. So I thought, maybe politics? Batman has said so many times that Gotham City is his town, so…

Ms. Noether’s first name? I’m not sure, but it might be Emmy. smile