Well I will get this thing going...

Into Each Life ... - Kathy Brown
Clark fears the worst when Lois begins acting distant two months into their new-found relationship, but nothing can prepare him for the shock of her explanation.
Identity - Bob Bartholomew
The LnC fanfic writer Mary Potts created a wonderful funny short, titled "Phero-Moan My Lovely," that considered what might have happened if Lois had not recovered from the pheromone that she was exposed to in the episode "Pheromone, My Lovely." This story explores the same concept and considers what might have happened in the time immediately following that episode if the effect of the pheromone on Lois had persisted.
Anybody's Baby - Annie M
When Lois has a baby unexpectedly dumped on her doorstep, she and Clark have to juggle taking care of the baby and solving the mystery of his origins. Meanwhile, they must deal with their evolving relationships -- both with each other and with the baby.
(This synopsis is not entirely accurate as they know the baby's orgins. I saw a more accurate synopsis somewhere but for the life of me cannot find it...)

I have more but am unsure what the cutoff for 'Short' is. I figure anything I can read easily in a evening is pretty short and the first two fall into that category...


Last edited by Mike M; 08/11/14 11:34 AM. Reason: Added synopsis

Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham