What did Miranda spray Lex with? He's acting more out of control than he must've in canon. (If he acted that way in canon, Lois wouldn't have continued dating him, Revenge or not.) I agree with Morgana. Lois is an expert at Karate; she doesn't need Clark to rescue her from a handsy date. Is she becoming too dependent on him now that they've gotten married?

What was Nigel thinking, escorting Kent from Lex Tower by gunpoint? If that doesn't shout "My boss is a bad guy" willing to kill of the competition, I don't know what does. Although, did he really think that Clark was going to buy that Nigel would actually drop him off at the DP? I'm sure only via shooting practice at the landfill. How naive does he think that farmboy is? I agree with Morgana again. What loser (cough... Ralph) would fall for Nigel's suggestion at the risk of his partner?

When Lex charged her at the railing and she stepped away, I wondered (slightly hoped) if he was going to fall over. That would have been a twist none of us would have been expecting.

I'm kind of hoping Clark will step out of the elevator and watch as Lois handles Lex herself. It would do all the egos involved some good. A bash to Lex's, a boon to Lois's, and Clark would see that his wife isn't some helpless victim. Win-Win. (well, no win for Lex, but I never want him to win.) A knock to Lex's cheek with her left fist (with the ring) would send the message he's refusing to hear.

Building up the suspense, Ken. What's going to happen next?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.