Start at season 1 but without Clark Kent at this point in time.
Instead Power Girl shows up and saves the spacecraft.

So how does Lois react to this superpowered person?

We know how she reacts to Superman, but a blonde, in the traditional Power Girl costume?

You could have Lois know science/tech developer Karen Starr and not make the connection with Power Girl.

Some background stuff;

There is a fanfic tale, I don't recall the title or when I read it, that gives the best explanation for the cleavage display hole in her costume. (Yes I know why it is really there, I am male, but just go with it)

In that tale Power Girl explains that she got the idea from a Wonder Woman interview. Wonder Woman pointed out that all her infamous villains were female because the male ones were too busy ogling her to think straight.

In that same tale it was explained that reason Power Girl had such huge breasts, always much larger than Supergirl's in the comics, was deception. That as Power Girl she wore a costume with built-in augmentation and was careful to use makeup to highlight the breasts even more. Whereas in her secret identity she did not.

Who in their right mind would ever think Karen Starr, a modestly dressed brunette who is a 32c was Power Girl?

There was more in the tale about that, much to do with skirts and clothing styles and the classic Lois and Clark POV that people see what they expect to see.

It was the best part of a tale that otherwise didn't go anywhere or have much A plot or B plot for that matter. It reminded me much of my own fiction, focused on a gimmick or side point with no real story to support it.

I can picture Lois ranting to all, including Karen Starr about that flying blonde bimbo.
