Lois took another look at herself in the mirror. She felt ridiculous. She had hated the costume back when it was necessary to be Metropolis’s superhero, but to wear it to a party? A deep lavender body suit with a pink belt and yellow stripes up the thigh. Lavender boots, mask, and cuffs and a turquoise cape. One could not be modest in this outfit. The belt hit her belly in just the right spot, hiding the extra baby bulge. Stepping into the hall, she sighed.
[Linked Image] a costume party!! she's dressed as Ultrawoman!!

“Shall we get a drink?” Clark asked and it felt like her feet slammed to the ground. Had they been floating? Or had she just been imagining it?
ejem... losing control, are they?

“You are Clark Kent’s date, are you not?” Cat asked.
“I’m here with Superman,” Lois corrected, hoping that Cat didn’t recognize her.
“The real one?”
she's a gossip reporter, for God's sake! she is an expert in recognizing people in a costume!

As they swayed to the music, she whispered, “Surrender.” She placed her lips to his, but he turned away. Tears blinded her as she pushed him aside. The pain of his rejection swallowed her. These feelings for him were overpowering her; she could no longer control them or deny them. Opening the door to the stairswell, she disappeared.
OH DEAR..... I can see their faces, feel their emotions... although that doesn't mean I like them.

And, BTW I have heard all your playlist cool those are great songs!

Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?"
Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"