Thanks for the comments, everyone! I really appreciate the kind words and feedback.

Also nice to see our leaders being portrayed as reasonable and logical thinking individuals. Actually it might be more like this in RL as I often think most of the dumb ideas that get put out there come from their advisers and this President's advisers seem to be right in line with this thought.
Clearly this must be President Josiah Bartlet, I can't think of any other president in the last few decades who would show that much sense.
Politicians are human, with all the positives and negatives that implies. Sometimes they're rational and reasonable, and sometimes they're not. I hope the President comes across as a real character, with both strong points and flaws. We will be seeing quite a bit more of him.

You forgot Power Girl who is a version of Supergirl.
Good catch! I didn't forget her — I didn't know! She debuted after I stopped reading comics, and the way she's drawn put me off learning more about her beyond her being an alternate reality Supergirl. You're right that L&C of her original reality consider her their daughter. I was thinking more of minor children, as Power Girl was 18 when she arrived on Earth.

Still, I want the analyst to be thorough, so I may put something in about Power Girl. It might make the President's reaction even funnier.