Thank you for the comments, everyone! I really enjoy hearing what everyone has to say.

I didn't realize there was an actual title — Situation Commander — for Richard's position; thanks! I made up the organizational stuff hoping it was mostly right. smile

Maybe it is unrealistic that Richard was willing to use Kara, but I like to think he was willing to take that risk versus a high likelihood that many people would die. I thought about having Kara fly the guy out at super-speed, but having a person blow up in her arms would be pretty traumatic and I didn't want to go there. Yuck.

By the way, where (or when) are they?
In story time, Lois and Clark are between realities, and so "where" and "when" don't really apply. As Mr. Wells said, since there's no beacon where Kara is (at least, not that they know about) the point in spacetime where they enter Kara's reality could be off by up to eight weeks and/or hundreds of miles from what they are aiming for.