Hi MM!
Here is my fic for the auction that Christina won!
This reminds me…

I have been to Marseille and therefore have pics!
So, another one of Lois’s adventures abroad?

And his kiss… it reminded her of something else, too. Something…about Clark?
Clark is Superman, mayhaps?

“I remember…” she said vaguely, images of Superman like wispy ghosts floated in her memory.

“What?” Clark had asked cautiously. Almost hopeful.

“Superman,” Lois smiled. “Saving me. A lot,” she added in some alarm.

Clark grinned back at her, warming her. “It’s been known to happen. Anything else?”
Hmm…she died. Again? Or is this the ARGH?

Max did say he loved her… and she was making progress.

Lois sighed, leaning back in her seat as they were getting ready to land. What did it matter? Spending some time in France with a man who loved her – this had to be it. This had to make all those elusive memories come to the fore and coalesce into a picture.
Well…rotting in Château d’If for stabbing her boyfriend while they’re in their suite’s bedroom certainly might.

It was just that she felt so uncertain… oh, not about Max. He genuinely seemed to care for her, and was determined to help her make a full recovery.
Yeah. Right. The creep who’s trying to malpractice her.

“Yes, Deter sometimes takes his patients to the south of France. He has a lovely villa—“
Young, female patients?

He wanted Lois back. But he also wanted her happy and didn’t want her back under duress.
Duress can be fun, too. MLT has shown us in her 2011(?) story.

But was there anything to do? She couldn’t be certain, but she felt that sitting around all day in a country house wasn’t exactly her style.
LEX: If she suddenly changes her mind, then I’m going to be royally ticked off!

“Maybe… but I can always take a nap later. I just need a map and I can find my way back.”
Or into a smuggler’s cave, still in use.

Back by dinner? What did he think she was? Sixteen?

In the distance, she could see an island, covered in sandstone cliffs. There appeared to be a building of some sort out there, and tour boats were coming from it. Lois wondered vaguely what it was, but continued walking lazily along the harbor.
[Linked Image] Huh. Right. Chateu d’If *is* in Marseille. How could I forget blush

As Lois came towards the end of the docks, she noticed that this side of the harbor wasn’t as pretty as where she had started. No sailboats or yachts here… just simple fishing boats. She was about to turn around and head back when something caught her eye.
Oh boy. /points at Curiosity Killed the Reporter/

But how would she convince Max to let her chase down a story?# He had seemed reluctant to let her do it while back in Metropolis. He’d be even less likely to approve of her doing it now that she was in a foreign country.
Geez, what’s the worst that could happen?
Hmm… /points at Lois Gets Fired/

I must be crazy, she mused. Lois glanced around once more before stepping onto the boat.
She does realize that many of the shadier members of society adhere to a strict finders-keepers policy when finding good looking females on their boats, right?

She didn’t understand them, but she didn’t wait around to pull out her tourist dictionary.
How do you say ‘Superman!’ in French?

Lois took one more glance around, and then made a beeline to the rendezvous point for her ride. She was more than relieved when she slipped into the backseat and headed back to the villa.
So, will it be awkward when she sees them again at the villa, talking with her host about how to best distribute the wares?

No, Clark knew that what he had with Lois was something special…and rare. Which is why it killed him that he had let her go…
Twice, actually. He’s not the smartest one at the DP. Not while Ralph works there.

Suddenly, Clark heard a cry for help. But the cry gave him pause, because it wasn’t his super-hearing kicking in. He heard it internally – and it sounded like Lois.

But perhaps she could tell Perry. She bet the Planet would be interested in a gunrunning story…
He might even send Clark Kent as backup…

Deter purposefully opened the door loudly so that Lois would end her conversation quickly. Inside, he was fuming. She wasn’t supposed to be calling the Daily Planet, nor working on a story, and certainly not talking to Perry about Clark Kent!
Maybe he should tell her, rather forcefully.

He’d have another hypnotizing session with her tomorrow, and he was certain that all her reporter notions would be shoved back into the recesses of her memory – where they belonged.
Yeah right…
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Fun start!

wave Michael

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