Well that was really well done. Kind of reminded me of Nan Smith's Home series with the Family Party. Lois is pretty stunned to see how many offspring she and Clark have produced over the generations.

A bit more information on the New Krypton situation, I suspect more will come later.

Lois should have pressed Jordan harder on the 'Bad' rescue. She never let Clark off that easily... She let him get her sidetracked on the family secret thing and never came back to it. Possibly later as that was one of the 'tricks' she used with Clark, let him stew then hit him with it again. She is the master of interrogation after all.

Finally the script, based on what Charlotte said the script timeline last long past Clark's departure for New Krypton with Zara and Ching so while she can provide more accurate information up to that point, after that point she will be clueless. Of course the script might provide more information on what eventually happened between her and Clark. That of course will make her even more curious about what is fact and what is total BS in the script.

This could get very interesting before Wells figures out he's lost her and comes looking for her.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham