I love reading this. The way you handle the interplay between the kids is fabulous. The method of contacting Wells is ingenious and of course Lois would figure it out...

Of course this interchange was perfection
Kara paled and closed her eyes. Emily hugged her close. “I know you want to help, and I admire you so much for that. I think you are going to grow up to be a great superhero like your dad. But I think you need to wait till you do grow up. I don’t want you to do anything unless it would make a big, big difference: unless it would save many lives. If possible, I want you to stay hidden while you do it. And you’re to help only if it’s not going to hurt you or risk your safety. Your parents will be angry with me otherwise. Do you understand?” Emily felt queasy at the thought of making Superman angry with her.

Kara sighed and nodded. She pitied anyone who made her mom angry.

Of course speaking of making her mother angry, I await Lois and Tempus meeting up after this...

I always look forward to the next part.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham