Excellent chapter in tying up loose ends! Let's see - the Churches are dead, so no need to testify against them and put yourselves in the public eye. The Intergang minions will be too cowed by the new guy to go after L&C, especially since the Churches were going after them for personal reasons. And I'm sure it won't be lost on the minions that Clark just seems to be a lucky guy - he escapes from what would normally be certain death, and bad things happen to his opponents. As Louie said in a previous chapter, Clark already has a reputation.

Yes, I think the new player in town is Lex Luthor - I'd like to see this version of L&C investigate him. But perhaps they need to be older (and Clark has to be not homeless) before they have the weight to grapple with Luthor.

I really liked that Lois kept Clark from going over to the dark side. This was probably the time in his life when he was most tempted.

I hope Lois does go to Ireland, and meets Clark there for visits, so that she never does go out with the Druid psycho. smile