Programmers, please stand down. smile

All stories on the archive are now displayed as HTML from the catalogs, so no creative solutions are necessary. 5/6/2015

If you're a Javascript programmer who can use Greasemonkey to add functionality to Web pages in Firefox, the archive has a challenge for you: Help readers more easily call up HTML versions for stories uploaded from January 2011 onward.

While the archive's goal is to eventually offer all stories in HTML from the catalog pages, we're not there yet. All stories uploaded on the site since January 2011 are available in HTML, but they're available only via the By Date and What's New pages, not the alphabetical catalog pages (by author, by title, by filename). We're going to wait to throw the switch on those pages when we've got all 3,000+ stories ready to go.

Until then, though, maybe you can help us augment the catalog pages by giving readers the option to call up the HTML versions. We use consistent pathing in our URLs, which may make this possible.

For example, to view Sue S's story "Fire Drill," which was uploaded recently, you could find it by visiting the Sue S section of the author pages and clicking to read the text version:

But if you were to edit the URL in your browser by typing in the html subfolder after the year folder, and changing the extension to .html, you could read the HTML version:

You could tweak a URL this way for any story posted from 2011 onward. So the programming logic would be something like:

* Examine the URL of the story the user just clicked on (

* If the number yyyy following /stories/ is greater than 2010, then insert html/ after /stories/, and change the extension of xxxxxxxx.txt to xxxxxxxx.html and display that file instead.

Is that even possible with Greasemonkey? And if so, would it be easy for us to implement on the archive?

And since we're also offering ebook versions from 2011 onward (/stories/epub/xxxxxxxx.epub and /stories/mobi/, would it be easy to offer those choices as well? That'd be handy for people browsing the site from tablets.

If you can help with this, please let me know! Or if you make a script, let us all know how we can get it.

Many thanks,


Last edited by LaurenW; 05/06/15 06:07 AM.