Originally Posted by IolantheAlias
Marcus - since I'm not familiar with the universe, could you give me a hint on what was going on in the very last scene of the movie?

I'm not as well up as I should be on some aspects of X-men canon, but as I understand it:

Apocalypse is a hugely powerful ancient mutant, who has been around for 5000 years and believes that only the strong deserve to survive. This scene shows in Ancient Egypt (I'm guessing but it seems plausible) building a pyramid which (I think) he will later use as a safe refuge for periods spent in suspended animation. There's a lot more about him and his abilities here:


Hope this helps.

Re the thing at the end of Captain America 2:

Apparently it's going to be a different actor and a different back-story in which they are somehow created by science, not mutants. The female character is his sister, Wanda Maximoff AKA The Scarlet Witch.

Last edited by Marcus Rowland; 05/28/14 06:43 PM.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game