Originally Posted by VirginiaR
I'm in S9 of Smallville, and it seems everyone in Metropolis (with the exception of Lois who CAN'T know -- heaven forbid! ) knows Clark's secret. When she finds out, I hope he's lost his powers temporarily due to green K exposure, so she can slug him good and hard.

As soon as I saw the title of this thread, I had to jump in on Smallville. I love Smallville, but the fact that EVERYONE knows that Clark is "The Blur" was a constant annoyance while I was watching the series.

I like the way that Love & Capes approaches it. Either you have a secret personal identity or you have none at all. Amazonia (the Wonder Woman character) does this very effectively in Love & Capes, but it would not be right for Clark.

Secret identities only work if they are secret. wildguy


Last edited by bobbart; 05/02/14 10:41 PM.