I don't write in this fandom any more, so I can't offer fic - but I can offer my services as a BR, if anyone's interested.

Fanwork Type Details I will BR one fanfic of length up to 15,000 - 20,000 words (or two shorter fics no longer than that combined).

I am willing to include: Commentary on plot, characterisation, story flow, pacing; spelling, punctuation and grammar; and to brainstorm ideas if you need.

I am not willing to include: I'll be honest: certain types of story don't interest me as much. So if your story is action-heavy and doesn't focus on the characters, doesn't have character or relationship development etc, I'm going to find it harder to be engaged. You're likely to get a better return on investment if your story focuses on friendship or romance, or hurt/comfort, or resolving a breach between the characters. Relationships don't have to be Lois and Clark focused; if you want to write a Lex-Lucy romance, for example, goofy that's fine by me. However, I'm also not that interested in full-blown nfic, and wouldn't be able to give you worthwhile feedback on that sort of story or extended scene.

Any further information: I work best in Word and emailing drafts/comments back and forth. However, I can also be available to brainstorm via IM by prior arrangement.

Oh, and it doesn't have to be an L&C fic: if you happen to write in the DW, Sherlock or Lewis fandoms, I'm happy to BR for that - just PM me before bidding to check that your concept and/or character focus is going to be something I can work with. For example, if you want to write about the life and times of River Song, I am most definitely not the BR for you! blush

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*