Fanwork Type Details - Assistance, guidance, brain-storming, editing, writing tips, betaing on the bidder's story.

I'm thinking the bidder might be someone who has always wanted to write an LnC story, but for whatever reason, stopped short of actually posting. (Or has posted a story and not really been satisfied with the end product.) The story could be at any stage - from a few ideas to notes to passages actually written, but the author feels as if s/he needs some help to gain the confidence to post it.

Story length - Up to 3500 words (If the bidder wants a story longer than that, I will help with the first chapter.)

I am willing to include - Almost any type of LnC story. Anyone familiar with my stories will know my strengths and weaknesses ie I'm better at romance than horror. wink

I'm not willing to include - It will be the bidder's story, not mine, so I won't be directing the plot. However, I think I would struggle to write Clark as a villain, or even have him act boorishly or dishonourably for no good reason. I also don't think I'd be good at either Lois or Clark happily in a relationship with someone else.

Any further information - Regardless of my level of input, the story will be the bidder's story - s/he will have the choice to post it on this or any other boards. S/he will have the choice to submit it to the archives. S/he will receive the FDK. There will be no expectation that my contribution needs to be credited in any way.
