Okay, I just finished season 8 of Smallville last night
razz BOOOOOOOOOOO!! razz </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Actually, this is what Clana fans always pull out. "He's on the rebound, only with Lois cause he can't be with Lana."

Clois defense: He was clearly showing signs of liking Lois before this happened. He 'questioned' whether he should be getting back together with Lana, but felt 'obliged' to once he saw what she'd gone through to make herself his equal. He was willing to be 'only' friends with Lana (almost like he felt more comfortable that way) but she wanted it 'all'. If he really wanted to be with her there are ways to counteract the green k (blue k), and he just took her word that 'every test possible' had been done. If he was on the 'rebound' then why didn't he actually start a relationship with Lois when she invited him for coffee? Basically, he knew he wasn't ready, and also didn't want to bring her into his unusual life.

The ending to S7 where Lois tells Clark to apply at the DP as an intern because he needs to "get a life" is a kick in the face to the Kents and their farming lifestyle.
No, it's a kick up the backside for a young man whose letting life pass him by. Lois wasn't saying there's anything wrong with farming, but she was saying that CLARK should be doing something more than he was.

The fact that the DP would want as an intern a guy would didn't finish his freshman year in college is pretty amazing. It's not like there were other, better qualified, journalism students out there or anything. :rolleyes:
One of the plot holes I refuse to talk about or I cry.

I was disappointed that Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) left the show in S8. I really enjoyed the give in take between the two guys; showing how Clark becomes a hero and Lex a villain.
I love how you can see through the seasons Lex's changing personality.

S1 (which I've just started re-watching 2 weeks ago): Lex is good, with tendencies towards under-handedness (usually still for good motives)

Gradually changes to:
-Good with tendencies towards breaking the rules for his own purposes
-50/50 Good and bad
-Selfish and controlling mostly, with inklings of good and friendship popping out.

S7: Looking out for himself and no-one else.

It's been fun seeing the birth of the Justice League with Oliver Queen, et al.
I agree. This is one of the things I absolutely love. No other live-action TV or movie version of Superman has acknowledged the wider DC universe.

Although, I have to agree with Clark that killing Lex was the wrong choice for Oliver to make. (Plus, I thought that Lex's death in this fashion was pretty weak.)
Lex is dead? Really?

Please, give us your thoughts on Season 9. I want an episode by episode review. Please!!!!!! S9 is the BEST. S10 is great but just falls ever so slightly short.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."