(not sure if this falls into this category or not, because it has to do with Superman but no specific one... So if not, then I'm going to have to call on Labby to shift it over...)

I was recently reminded of this concept when I stumbled upon this article recently, and it brought it all back up for me, so I wanted to get other opinions.

The article does a good job of loosely covering all the basics of the argument: Could Superman actually be cut by a lightsaber? And I'm going to extend that to "could superman be beaten by a Jedi/Sith at all" because it's not just the weapon that causes the damage.

I'm at a draw here. I've kind of toyed with the idea of a Superman/Star Wars crossover before but there was absolutely no plausible way I could make it work, and this was a large part of the why. On the one hand, Clark is invulnerable to everything except Kryptonite and magic. On the other hand, is the Force some kind of magic? Is a lightsaber powerful enough to actually do some damage?

An interesting debate to begin. Since Star Wars was perhaps my first love/obsession and Superman closely follows that, I figure it's worth a chance to throw it out there. huh

Let it begin!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain