Well, the old governor is not Jonathan Kent, Mercantile. It's not Perry White, because he's in charge of the ship Planet. Oliver Queen seems to have a warehouse in town, so it's probably not him. So, it must be a character introduced *after* S6, or Lionel.

I wonder if Jimmy realized that Lois wasn't a boy either. I know he's naive but he warned her to be careful.

Lois gave herself away by her ankle? I know women don't show their ankles much back then, but is a woman's ankle that different? Daintier perhaps, I guess. Oh, Lois! Why didn't you cut your hair? Was it THAT important to keep it long as to risk your safety?

Zor El. Um... I don't know him. Is he like a cousin of Clark's and Supergirl? I was wondering how Zod and Lex could be both in the Governor's mansion and on board at the same time. So, Zor El isn't Zod. (Duh!) It's probably not good that Kal revealed Lois as a woman in front of him... not good for Lois and not good for Kal (who hired her). Why do I see a concubine costume in Lois's future? Either that or she and Kal *and* Jimmy (for interruptus purposes only) will be tossed on the next deserted island they pass.

Really, Kal haven't you learned anything about the Navy? If you're going to sneak a girl on board a ship as a boy, you make *her* your cabin boy, not the actual boy.

I'm not sure about Tess. She seems a bit Lana-esque, especially in her naivety about Lex.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.