Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Wait, wait, wait! Prof Fine is Brainiac? Was this ever covered on SV? Maybe it will be. I thought he was killed with Zod's defeat, but maybe I'm wrong about that. eek Okay, if Brainiac is ship's doc than he's not the captain. So, who else?
The Captain of the Kandor is revealed in the next chapter.

Major events were about to occur and he’d decided that he didn’t want Louis and Jimmy involved.
Uh-oh. So, were they going to wake up on a deserted isle? Jimmy will be thrilled when he learns Lois isn't a boy, but Kal might end up regretting that decision.

LOIS: [Linked Image] I would NEVER with Jimmy!

peep just joking, Lois.
LOL. That would be funny. Jimmy and Lois stranded on a desert island. BUT you know ... you're not far wrong about 'something' you said.

She’d seen the way he tipped away one mouthful of rum, for every swig he genuinely took.
Not being a drinker myself, what do you mean "tipped away"? Do you mean spit out?
No, he tipped it away. To make it seem like he was drinking as much as expected of a pirate he would pour a shot of rum and drink it normally but the next shot poured would get surreptitiously tipped on the floor so that he stayed more sober than anyone realised. Lois noticed this the night she signed up.

Kal was a disgraced Naval Officer. He’d been discharged about three months ago after murdering his commanding officer, but there was no proof to convict him.
Hmmmm. I wonder if this cover story is just a cover, or if he's there to clear his name.
Cover? You think there is some kind of cover story for Kal? *laughs*

Kal was an enigma and she was fascinated.

“Lewis,” nudged Jimmy, “you’re dreaming again.”
Yeah, Lewis. Not good for your health to be caught drooling over the first mate.

Also, which is it? Lewis or Louis? Jimmy uses the former, Kal the latter? Does Lois use both pronunciations for her cover name?
The spelling Louis, is because it is almost identical to Lois, but the pronunciation is still Lewis. You do say the 's' so even Kal and Lois are pronouncing it Lewis. The reason for the difference in spelling is kind of made clear in the next chapter. Basically the spelling I use when Jimmy speaks is to do with 'Jimmy's' interpretation of Lois' undercover name.

Tess? Nope don't know Tess, must be a later season addition. I was thinking Mrs. Luthor might be Lana, but she doesn't really have a father anymore. It's nice to see Cloe, though. I'm guessing if "Tess" is the old governor's daughter than the prisoner isn't Jonathan or Lionel. No idea.
Tess is season 8, 9, and 10. In chapter 2 we found out that she was the old governor's daughter. In the next chapter you will discover (if you read carefully enough) one more familial connection.

Anyway, I'm answering at work now. I'll try to remember to post Chapter 3 tonight.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."