Originally posted by Nora Helmer:
So glad to see that you're back! Great music, nice use of titles (and that swirling "firefly" effect in them), and really cohesive story summary. Lovely work.
Thank you!! I'm very happy you liked it. Actually, the firefly effect is one of my favorite things on the video. laugh

Originally posted by poussin:
Wow! I haven't read the story yet, but the video is awesome ! It just makes me want to read it ASAP. Too bad I really don't have time.
Wonderful editing work with that trailer!
Thank you!! It's too bad to hear you don't have the time to read the story, but I can tell you it's definitely great. I wish one day soon you get to reading it.

Originally posted by BJ:
Awesome FFT! The images you chose matched the story very nicely without giving too much away. It did its job, too. I'm off to read the story again.

Thank you for your nice comments!! I'm glad you think the scenes matched the story, since sometimes that's one of the things I personally worry about.