Jenn, thank you for your very well thought out comments. laugh You made my day.

The words combined with the clips make you wonder if the unanswered question is why they hurt the other so badly -- or why they continue to draw each other in.
That is really how I felt about the song in general and what I was trying to get across. Why does she make him love her while at the same time causing him so much pain.

My favorite moment is him freezing her in And The Answer Is, followed by her single tear, to go with "A phrasing that's a single tear is harder than I ever feared," followed up by him leaving her in Contact, "And you were left feeling so alone." That is just stunning how you worked with those lyrics and how you tapped into the meaning of them -- how that moment, when he froze her, and she realized he was Superman, was the catalyst of why he walked out on her.
I actually agonized over some of this part while I was making it, so I'm glad that (at least for you) it came across well.

Again, thanks for watching and for taking the time to leave feedback on it.

- Lauren

There's a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive, wormhole refractors. You know the thing you need most of
all? You need a hand to hold.
~10th Doctor