To those who remember me from a long time ago, perhaps you remember that I was the one who... had the freakish almost-photographic memory of dates and numbers.

So I'm remembering December 1st 2003.

That was the release of the first Lois & Clark Trailer ever, and it featured "Masques" by LabRat. It was made by someone who'd never touched any editing software and did it all in one sitting, so it was quite surprising when people liked it. And then the ball started rolling. More people started doing them and more authors got to know the advantages of having one for their story. Several people even commented that after having watched one, they'd head over to the archive and read the story - I just think that's awesome!!

So, I simply just want to say thank you to everyone who supported the idea and concept (anyone noticed we even got the Smallville fans "copying" us? wink ) and to everyone who jumped on the bandwagon as well. And not to mention the viewers - thank you for the feedback! And to the authors, thank you so much for having made it possible to make the trailers.

I think it's because of this I'm in film school now, and doing well, I believe. I was always obsessed with films, but you guys got me hooked on editing, so your support and feedback have been invaluable.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

Much love,

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay