That was awesome!!

Brilliant clip choices! Way better than anything I could have expected.

Love the intro.

I can't believe the timing on Zara and Ching's departures at the press conference. That's beautiful.

And Tez getting all annoyed.

And hee - "nets." Nice.

And all the waving! That's hilarious!

Hoo boy, what a tasty fish! (Or so Lois would have us believe... wink )

LOL about "side by side in life's great gene pool"! Just as I was marveling at the first match-up with the live mammal, you switched to the... BWAHAHA!! laugh

And yay for "DON'T PANIC!"

And "playing" the ship... beautiful. Brilliant touch there.

And that last "dissolve", too!

Hehe on the second round of "so long"s. Delightfully evil.

I'm all tingly. That was just... awesome.

Thank you!!

(Excuse me. I have to go watch it a third time now...)

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.