*Gulp* *Shuffles in to peek around the corner*

This one's for you, Jana, and I hope I can live up to at least some of your expectations. This was a lot of fun to do, at least. Definitely not as upbeat as most of them out there, but right down my alley. Hope everyone enjoys, especially Jana!

I can't even begin to thank Lara enough for the immense amount of help she gave me, not to mention staying up to an ungodly hour to help out. Thanks to Cat and Amanda for their help and support too, and so much thanks to Jana for her request!

Here's what it was:

Three things I'd like for my vid:
1: loooove (not necessarily requited)
2: a 90s song or later
3: at least a wee bit pain/heartache

Three things I don't want:
1: Tempus
2: Lex
3: minor characters turned main ones (Mayson, Dan... a bit is okay if absolutely necessary...)

So without further ado....

Downloadable Version (16mb)

"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller