I have a feeling this is going to be embarrassing, since I have no skills at all with photoshop blush . Especially compared to what I've seen from you guys.

Still, I'm thrilled to be near the end of Bohemia (over at the nfic side) given that I began it last October! And since it's the longest (and funnest) thing I've written so far I thought to celebrate with two posters (I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but whatever).

So one with our heroes and our antagonist...

[Linked Image]

And one with more of the setting wink

[Linked Image]

So yeah, I'd love to hear what you guys think. I'm frustrated that with all the work I put it they still look a bit haphazard grumble . Ah well. I can always hide behind being a first timer. wink


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan