Hey guys,

As many of you may have noticed that things have not been quite right at folcvideo.com for the last week or so. The web host (who is not the same people who hosts these boards) recently went through a major upgrade on the back end. Due to this upgrade it has affected many user accounts, including ours. They did not upgrade us to the correct package and therefore we are listed as being over the disk quota.

I've been working with technical support the last few days, which has been tough due to the holiday. They have assured me that this will be finally resolved within the next 24 hours.

Please bare with me until they have this issue fixed. Once done I should be able to upload some small files, oh ... like the index.html, that's currently missing.

Rest assured that you should still be able to hit any music videos on the site if you know the direct URL and if you do go to the home URL you will see a directory listing where you can click on the music folder or any other folder and find a video by file name.

Sorry for any inconvenience due to this.

Annette wink
Boards Chief Administrator


"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." Bill Clinton, inaugural address, January 21, 1993