Thanks everyone! smile Lots of great FDK rolling in here. I really appreciate it. smile

A couple specific things...

even the screen wipes had me giggling as they went back and forth
laugh Yeah. I was hoping that would come across. It seemed the only way to go, given the back and forth nature of the lyrics.

Visual snark - it's the best thing in the world.
lol! I don't know that that's what I had in mind, but I love the term! And hey, I'll snark about NK anytime. wink

When "Lucky Ball and Chain" came on, I got the impression that this would work well with the clone arc, but figured I'd be drawn and quartered in the village square if I suggested the argh! as a topic for a vid.
I'll listen to it again, see if anything strikes me. It's been a while. But don't be afraid to suggest a subject, even the ARGH. Heck, my first solo vid was ARGH-themed (more or less).

"Mom, what does this have to do with Lois and Clark?" my son asked, looking closer at the screen.

I tried to explain, but I'm not sure I completely, totally got there. laugh
lol! That's an interesting scene to imagine.

And yeah, I always kind of wonder how much of most vids would make sense to a non-FoLC. Don't think you can completely explain this stuff unless they've seen the show. And NK in particular is really hard (because it makes no sense!!).

But I understood it perfectly, and even though I hate the NK arc with the fire of a thousand suns (which are a mass of incandescent gas - a gigantic nuclear furnace...) I thought it was a perfect - and very fun - fit for this song.
Yeah, I hate NK, too. I may have mentioned something about that here and there ...

(At the very end of the second one.)

Kinda funny, really, that I ended up using it as a theme in my last two vids...

And lol, somehow I hadn't heard that particular TMBG song. I'll have to check it out...

Anyway, thanks again to each and every one of you for your wonderful comments. Sorry I didn't respond specifically to everyone, but, really, you can only say "Aww, thanks!! laugh " so many times before it gets old...

Oh, and of course! Thanks to Malu for the idea to do the song in the first place! smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.