Originally posted by symbolicangel:
frown The banner isn't showing up for me.

Or maybe I'm too easy to please. *lol*
I guess I'm too easy to please too. laugh

I love Smallville. We watch it religiously every week in my household. You can even find me jumping up and down like a child on Christmas morning during an episode sometimes (the episode where Lois kissed Clark when he was dressed as the Green Arrow comes to mind. wink )

So, even though I'm not jumping on the Operation Save Clark Kent band wagon, I'd still like to see the banner you made, but it's not showing up for me. huh
I don't know what the problem is frown There are four banners above! And the others could see those too frown

Well, I like the moments you described too. I don't hate Smallville and the campaign is not about that. It's just that I don't agree with the way they are developing Clark. That could be a lot better show if the focus realy were about the guy with superpowers who will be Superman one day.

Thank you for comment. You can try and see the banners here:


Can you read my mind?