“Yes, ma’am. Can you receive a line?”

“No! I don’t have a phone!”
clap Too good!

“You want to do what?”

“I need to send my story to the Daily Planet, Captain. If you don’t have an Internet connection on board so I can e-mail it, I can fax it to my editor’s office, and if not, I could dictate it over the radio.”

Captain McDunn shoved his hand through his thinning hair. “Miss Lane, if you was a man, I’d say you had some really big – “
That's our Lois!
The last thought startled her. Even Superman had a weakness – two of them, actually, his secret identity and his love for his wife – and she held the secret of that other life in her hands. Despite the notoriety that such a major story would bring her, she felt no anticipation at filing it.
. . . .
“Don’t look at me like I’m some kind of saint or something! I didn’t send it in because I don’t have any verification for it.”
Uh huh, right. Totally in character, unable to admit to having any consideration for someone else's feelings.

The way Lois is reacting to the trauma of her experience by bottling everything up and becoming 'Mad Dog Lane' comes across as very believable. Clark is in character as well, obsessing about being perfect & etc. So we have the same familiar characters with two significant changes: his grief and her already knowing the secret. It will be very interesting watching them interact in your next story.

Comment to CCMalo: I respectfully disagree. I don't really think it's 'Smallville' as much as it is 'pre-L&C.' This part is just a new back-story for what will be a Lois & Clark story coming up next.