I was supposed to be doing something else (ie: answer mail and do useful things) but this seemed like it would make me feel better - and it did. And I needed it...

So here you go: 30 icons. Yes, when I go overboard, I do it BIG TIME.

Please download them to your computer and/or storage area - don't hotlink...

First, here are the zip files because they come in 3 formats. Some of these are obviously a little different in the other sizes, but the image is basically identical.

- Download the 100x100 icons zipfile (perfect for here!)
- Download the 128x128 icons zipfile (these are suitable for use as cellphone wallpaper and MSN buddy icons, btw...)
- Download the 128x160 icons zipfile (I made these for my cellphone, grab them and use them any way you like...)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies