Okay, you don't really have to RVSP wink , but here's your invitation nonetheless:

When: This Saturday, June 23, 2007
Time: 9 p.m. Paris, 8 p.m. London, 3 p.m. New York, Noon Los Angeles, 5 a.m. (Sunday) Sydney
Where: The ceremony will be held in IRC. Join us in both #altkerths (the "stage" where the ceremony will take place) and #altkerthchat (the "audience" where you can join in the discussion).

If you don't know how to get on IRC, see this page for instructions.

Sounds are now available, so make sure to download them today! Now, normally we'd have the sounds available on our website , but it seems the Prankster has foiled us again and kidnapped Anna, our webmaster! eek Never fear, though, I've uploaded them to a file sharing site that Kyle can't access! :p Get your zip file (8.4 MBs) of the sounds here.

Now, if you were worried that you missed the boat on being able to present an award, you're not too late! We still have a few slots left! Hurry and email me at the address in my profile so you can snag a category!

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask here or email or PM one of the committee.

We hope to see you Saturday!

The Alt Kerth Committee
~Sara, Rach, Anna, Saskia~

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, the show, life, and more!

You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

Avatar by Carrie Rene smile