Oooooh! Yay! Congratulations to all the nominees first of all <DJ - who is floored to be nommed more than once>

And thanks to KCOMM for all their hard work - yay!

But, I too also seem to have a bit of a problem like Poussin...

On the category of best music/story match in a trailer, you can't vote for: If I Were You by MetroRhodes. That one isn't in the drop down box. If someone wouldn't mind adding it <not that I'm voting for myself, but I would like the opportunity for someone to vote for it since it was nommed <g>

Thank you so much! Thank you for the noms <blush>

-- DJ

Oh and P.S. that little speech at the top of the page by The Prankster had me in stitches... too funny. I can tell the ceremony is going to be a blast. Hee hee.

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.