Hey, Lauren, I only just saw this: great video.

You used quite a few scenes I don't think I've seen used in vids before.

In the beginning, love how Clark's "chills are multiplying", he's "losing control" and everything is "electrifying" - and that utterly clueless facial expression from the NK arc looks quite sweet (I stopped watching the show because of NK, so I am not at all familiar with scenes from that time).

Loved the scene where Lois head is up from kissing and Clark pulls her back down, out of the frame smile

Also adored the scenes you picked from Ultra Woman (especially Lois checking Clark's behind out).

And towards the end (from around 02:30): that scene where they kiss so passionately Lois drops her keys and then Clark being lip sync with "honey" before Lois brushes the teddy (or is it) into his face ... very nicely done.

Thank you clap


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