Okay, Missy, I really, really cared about Clark in the cage this time. smile

You did a great job of getting him out there himself. Much more realistic than the show, where hey, despite being exposed to green K for so many hours, he just happened to have enough control left to manipulate his belt into a knot around the key ring! (In the comics, when Clark escaped a similar trap, at least he had a belt buckle.) :rolleyes: I especially liked his frustration at trying to get out of the Suit without his powers to help. As I said, very realistic. I really felt for the poor boy when he dozed off out of sheer exhaustion. goofy

Glad to see Lois' doubts increasing. Let them increase more, okay? And give us more, soon!


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827