FFP? Is that the correct terminology? Fan Fic Poster? Hope so. Sorry, this is my first try at this.

Just as a note, this fic is an nfic. So you have to have access to the nfic boards in order to read it. It is currently a work in progress and you can find it in the nfic table of contents. I would post a link to it, but I'm not sure that's allowed on the PG boards (maybe an administrator can enlighten me?)

Faustian Bargain was written by Sue S. Her skill and masterful storytelling in this fic compelled me to create this poster for her. That and the fact that I was one of her betas and followed her every step of the way. wink

Sue - this is for you! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed your story (well probably not, but... well... enjoy it anyway...)

-- DJ angel-devil

P.S. - I got the images for the collage from Andrea's website, Lois & Clark Archive: Here

[Linked Image]

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.