Gabrielle wrote:
Even before Lois, wouln't Clark jr., being a well-mannered boy, introduce himself because he knows - via Conner's letter - that Conner didn't know his name?
Actually, Gabrielle, I think he would have, but he didn't have the time. Clark Jr. sees Conner arrive at the party, calls out to him, thanks him for the puppy right away and says how much he loves him and that he named him Jerry. This strikes Conner as an odd name, but he makes a comment about the Superman Foundation.
Instead of asking, he waved his hand around the room. "This is really some event."

"Gets bigger every year." The boy beamed even brighter, happy to show off his mother's organizational skills. He was about to say something else when a voice caught his attention.
Perhaps the correction to his name was what Clark Jr. would have said if Lois hadn't walked by at that moment...

And then it was time to begin the festivities.

Not forgetting, of course, that it was most convenient for SQD to write it this way. grumble grumble


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5